Going viral on social media has become far more common now as online communities and internet influencers mingle with each other.
Despite the instant fame and internet recognition becoming more available to any person, it is rare to see someone properly taking smart moves to benefit from increased attention on them.

So, here are just some internet rules and guides on what to know if a post on social media ever goes viral:
Going Beyond Intended Audience
The first rule to remember if one of your posts ever goes viral is that it will soon leave its "target audience," the community the post is directed to, even if you do not intend it to be.
This happens as other people share the posts and open more avenues for discussion, allowing other communities and social groups to join the conversation.
And, of course, along with the wide attention gained instantly people misunderstood the meaning of the post.
Intended Target Will See Your Posts About Them
If you are beefing with someone on the internet, better be prepared that your target will surely see that post about them.
Online communities on social media platforms have a weird phenomenon where people can still see the posts talking about them even when they are not tagged or mentioned indirectly.
The smaller a community is or the more specific niche that certain person is representing, the surer it is that they will that.
And once they find that post, there is no going back anymore.
Streisand Effect is Real
In the same sense, hiding or deleting a post that has already gone viral will only attract more attention it, often which will be unfavorable to you.
This unintended consequence of public secrecy going viral is often referred to as the Streisand Effect, aptly named after actress Barbara Streisand trying to hide information to the public.
The phenomenon applies the same on social media in the form of screenshots and memes, making the controversy or issue spread further to people previously unaware of the topic.
Occam's Razor
Further hiding information from the online public will only result in people resorting to speculations.
While it stemmed from the philosophical principle during the 14th century, Occam's razor's application in the modern online settings refers mostly to people further complicating a topic because of the lack of information provided.
This often results in conspiracies and convoluted rumors as the social media suggest otherwise unrelated information to supposedly bridge missing parts of the initial discussion.
Allowing such issues to grow into these is very dangerous as it can damage a person's reputation as more people tune in for the drama.
Prepare for Misinformation
If there is one thing most viral posts on the internet have, it is the staggering amount of misinformation being spread either through the people reacting to it or in the comment section.
The rise of uninformed opinion on viral topics often revolves around controversial discussions, usually in posts calling to "cancel" someone.
As stated in other rules, fighting back against detractors will only further enflame the issue. It is better to wait out a little before responding with a well-informed answer to prevent further misunderstanding.