Driving is a big part of a lot of people's lives as it is one of the most convenient ways to travel to places. Even if you have been doing it for a while, you might still be doing certain driving practices that are unsafe or frowned upon. Here are some you should avoid.

1. Tailgating
This is one of those instances that can be both unsafe and annoying. Tailgating is the act of driving too close to the vehicle in front of you. There should always be a safe distance, preferably three seconds away from them. This provides you with more reaction time should they choose to brake unexpectedly.
2. Speeding
If you're in a hurry for an emergency, it speeding beyond the limit could be excusable. Otherwise, you should always stay on or below the recommended speed on the road. No explanation is needed as to why it can be dangerous for you, as well as other people and vehicles you might collide with.
3. Road Rage
There will always be irksome drivers on the road, whether they are speeding, cutting you off, or even driving too slow. Regardless, you should always keep your cool. If you want to let them know they're doing something wrong, use the universal language of drivers and honk your horn. Only do it once as it will be as clear as doing it several times.
4. Disregarding Sleepiness
It goes without saying that paying attention on the road will ensure that you get home in one piece, but that can be difficult when you are drowsy. If you feel sleepy, take a moment to wake yourself up. You can drink coffee, sleep it off, or any other method that can help. If they don't work, it's best to take a cab or ride public transit where you won't be behind the wheel.
5. Changing Lanes without Signals
The signals are there for a reason, and not using them could cause collisions that would be disastrous for all drivers involved. Not only is it dangerous but it's actually against the law. The rule of thumb is that you do so about 100 feet before you turn. That way, the driver behind you will know when to slow down.
6. Improper Merging
Merging is when two traffic streams start to merge into one lane, and this can be tricky for new drivers as they do not know if they should give way or go first. Most of the time, the proper action to take is clear. Don't force your way into traffic if there's already a vehicle there. It's best to yield since it will only take a few seconds anyway.
7. Driving in Bad Visibility
There weather does not always agree with the drivers. Sometimes, it rains so heavily that you can't see two feet in front of you, and that goes for fogs as well. If that's the case. You should either let the rain stop first or choose not to drive at all. Not seeing what's in front of you is an easy way to crash your vehicle.
8. Overtaking
There are roads where you are allowed to overtake, but you should still follow safety rules even if it is legal. For instance, you should not overtake when you know that there is a close turn incoming as it will be tricky to see incoming vehicles when there are structures in the way. The same goes for situations where huge vehicles like trucks are blocking your sight of the other lane.