Wars have always been ugly affairs, but it's not ending any time soon. If anything, it has actually expanded to space as well. With that. US brigadier general Jesse Morehouse from the US Spade Command expressed that the country is prepared if it does come to space warfare.

US Prepared for Space Warfare
The United States has been concerned about the potential threats that may come from foreign space programs and in order to defend its properties using anti-satellite technologies, seeing as a space war will probably lead to the destruction of the infrastructures.
Satellites are essential when it comes to communications and navigation, and so the destruction of US satellites could put the country at a huge disadvantage. If that were to happen, military operations will be affected which might give national enemies the upper hand.
Morehouse expressed how likely it is that satellites will be a "normal part of warfare in the future," and that a countermeasure is something that other countries are interested in. He also stated that the US is ready to fight if they have to, as reported by Interesting Engineering.
Two countries that the US has had tension with over decades are China and Russia, and the statement regarding threats is reportedly directed at both. Morehouse also stated that the defense covers allies and partners with whom the US has treaties with.
Despise the claims of preparations, the US actually halted the testing of anti-satellite missiles due to the amount of dust it creates. Although Morehouse claims that the US is already working on anti-satellite technology that does not pose risks to the environment.
What Would Happen in Space Warfare?
If foreign countries do decide to attack US satellites and are successful, it can significantly affect and even shut down GPS systems, banking systems, power grids, first responders' communications, military communications, and more.
US Space Force Lieutenant General, Nina Armagno stated that we probably won't see the space war with our naked eye, but we will definitely feel the consequences once it does begin, as reported in The Guardian.
Countries like China and Russia have already demonstrated what they are capable of when it comes to disrupting satellite operations. For one, Russia destroyed one of their own satellites, which shows what it can do to other satellites as well.
China has also done the same, but they have another technology that can be just as effective. A Chinese satellite is equipped with a grappling arm that is able to move another satellite out of orbit, which they have already demonstrated and proven.
Brigadier General Michael Adamson also stated that Russia was already falling behind in the space race, although he noted that it could resort to other means, such as destroying access to space because it has less to lose than other countries.
There are several ways foreign adversaries could conduct satellite attacks such as anti-satellite missiles, grappling arms, or even hacking and jamming a satellite. Even the debris from a destroyed satellite could pose a huge threat to operational ones.