There have been a lot of conspiracy theories defended by their believers throughout the internet, but none have been more entertaining than flat earthers. Soon enough, you will see them in their own reality TV show and they will defend their theories before a panel of people who are sticking to science.

Flat Earther Reality TV Show
If you've ever come across flat earthers on social media, it really is best to steer clear of them since they will defend their beliefs like their life depend on it. You can, however, watch them conduct research to prepare a face-off with scientists who aim to disprove them.
There will be a reality show dedicated to these conspiracy theories, and they will even be given resources to fund their research. With $50,000 worth of resources, they need to prepare to face a panel that will counter their arguments, and we can already guess who would win this debate.
The panel consists of scientists, theologians, and cartographers, as reported by Gizmodo, and the series will be "part docuseries, part competition show." It will be an interesting watch indeed and would be a great show to catch knowledge about our SPHERICAL world.
The conspiracy theorists will have to work extra hard to win this argument, especially since there will be a cash prize at the end of the show if they manage to convince the panel. The good news is you won't have to pay to tune in.
The show will premiere on The Network, which is a free streaming app. It only has a limited content selection and about two original programs, but with this creative new TV show, it is bound to get a lot of new viewers.
The streaming app has the right idea and could even expand to other popular conspiracy theories since there is no shortage of them. Wait until you hear about people who believe that politicians and other influential individuals are actually reptilians wearing human disguises.
Contradicting a Flat Earther
While debating a flat earther could prove to be a waste of time, you should be equipped with the proper knowledge to oppose them if you do come across a situation you can't get out of, and there are a lot of arguments that would be hard to dispute.
You can show them photos of Earth taken from outer space, but they can argue that these are just artificially generated images, and as a bonus, maybe they would even tell you about how the US faked the moon landing.
One that would be hard to argue with is the horizon. Ask them why is it that when objects move farther away like ships on the horizon, the bottoms disappear first before the top, as suggested by Space.
You can also show them the stars on the horizon and explain why you can't see the rest since the Earth itself is blocking it, and travel to a higher point and prove that you can now see stars farther down.
If they still dispute your claims, ask them to point at the Burj Khalifa, which is the tallest building in the world. If you're about 100 km away from the building, they won't be able to find it anymore even on a clear day.