Genshin Impact follows the gatcha game model where players spend actual money or in-game currency to get random playable characters or items by spinning a roulette wheel or any similar in-game mechanism.
The game, being online-based, features a lot of gameplay mechanics from missions and adventures to character customization and ranking. And what better way to enjoy playing this new game by having handy tips on how you can make your playthrough a breeze.
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Genshin Impact tips
Character switching is advantageous
The game allows players to form a party of four different characters. Switching among these characters during and after battles should become a habit as each of them have various advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation. Since the game has an "elements" mechanic, a Cryo-based character will have an upper hand when battling a Pyro-based enemy.
Carefully set your party's character's elements
Speaking about elements, the "Elemental Resonance" button can be found on the top right corner of the screen. Clicking this button will display all possible elemental party type and the buffs that come with each party combination. Using the previous example, having two or more ice-based members gives the entire party a bonus resistance with fire-based attacks or de-buffs.
Keybindings cannot be changed (just yet)
Regardless what platform you're playing on and what controller device you're using, sadly Genshin Impact keybindings cannot be altered or customized. Perhaps miHoYo, the Chinese company responsible for the game, might roll out some updates about this in the future. But for now, all you can do is to familiarize yourself with the default keybindings.
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Bulk Summoning (x10) is better
This one's important to those who are new to playing gacha-based games. Summoning in bulk usually offers some discount (and the transition is quicker too compared to doing it one at a time). Bulk Summons also guarantee at least one four-star or higher item. The chances of getting a really good item or character significantly goes down if you summon separately.
Re-rolling can be done
Genshin Impact allows players to re-roll the summons they get to acquire the best possible free summons prior to playing the game. Do note that it'll take you 15 to 30 minutes to re-roll.
Adventure Rank should be prioritized
Like most RPG games, there are level or rank restrictions until players can get full access to the games' main features. When just starting in Genshin Impact, it's highly suggested to just focus first on your adventure rank. This can be done by battling enemies, completing quests, and opening chests. Once you reach Adventure Rank 20, you will get access to all of the game's primary options. So, don't be bothered too much by wanting to explore most of the in-game world right away.
Battle Pass becomes available by reaching Rank 20
Genshin Impact, like similar games such as Archero, offers the option to get a Battle Pass. But you have to reach Adventure Rank 20 to unlock it. Don't worry, some of the achievements or milestones are retrospective, so you can still get rewarded for previous accomplishments.
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