The field of robotics has been making strides in creating robots that assist humans in their tasks. Some of them can do simple tasks like cleaning your floors, while others could even save a person's life. The same can be said for Paradigm Robotics' new fireproof robot.

FireBot Rolls In
Firefighters are among the people who risk their lives on the job. Running into a burning building is dangerous especially since debris is falling off and there are a lot of toxic gases they could inhale. The new robot can help reduce those risks as it takes on the job of scouting.
The FireBot can be controlled using a remote and is able to withstand up to 650 degrees Celsius of heat. Firefighters cannot expose themselves to that temperature for long and are limited to around 15 minutes, whereas the fireproof bot can be used for up to four hours.
Despite its build, it actually has features that allow it to roll through debris and other obstacles, and even climb stairs if necessary. As reported by Engadget, it uses MIMO wireless technology that can transfer data to a receiver from 0.9 miles away.
Despite its small size and build, the FireBot can actually move twice as fast as a firefighter wearing their protective gear. This is a significant capability since time is limited when a building is on fire, and the robot will be able to cover more ground much faster.
To aid in scoping the area, the robot is equipped with HD optical and thermal imagers. For the well-being of the firefighters in case they have to go in, the robot can detect toxic fumes in the area such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide.
The robot is expected to be released in the third quarter of 2024. Purchasing the robot would cost $90,000, but the fire departments could lease it instead. The cost is very well worth it if prevents further injury on the job, which could cost a lot more.
Why It's a Big Deal
The rate of fires is growing due to the effects of global warming and climate change. In the US, there are more than 480,000 structural fires, which equate to one fire every 65 seconds. It doesn't only endanger the residents' lives but the fire responders as well.
Part of the job is to make sure that no one is inside the burning building, which is why the firefighters have to go inside to check themselves. In the recorded cases, there is no one inside about 60% of the time.
With the robot, the firefighters will not have to risk their lives as they enter a burning building if there's no one there, also avoiding medical risks that may show up in the long run. According to the Center for Disease Control back in 2017, 68% of firefighters develop cancer in their lifetime.
There are more concerning statistics regarding the firefighters' welfare, as shown on the FireBot's website. In the past 30 years, there have already been 512 fatalities with over 11,000 injuries every year. More than 24,000 are exposed to hazardous materials in the field as well.