The upcoming Max Out season on Pokemon GO is set to deliver two new Shiny Pokemon to the augmented reality (AR) game, introducing new variants of existing creatures. It is expected that this will drop alongside the next season, which will commence by the end of next week as September rolls in.
These two new shinies are hailing from the Galar region, best known to be the main focus of Nintendo's Pokemon Sword and Shield.
Pokemon GO Brings Two New Shiny Pokemon Coming in Max Out

After Pokemon GO unveiled its next season's offers under the Max Out event, it has followed up with two new Shinies to be expected in the upcoming release on Sunday, September 8. According to ComicBook Gaming, the two new offers of the AR game will be a Shiny Falinks and a Shiny Zacian. These will be available on two separate Raids.
It is important to note that Shiny Falinks will only be available by September 8 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. local time during its special Raid Day, which kicks off the Max Out event.
On the other hand, players will have more time to find Shiny Zacian and compete in 5-star Raids to obtain the Legendary Pokemon from September 26 to October 4.
Shiny Changes on Sword and Shield's Galar Pokemon
To familiarize yourself with these new Shinies when the Raid events come, here are a few distinctions to determine what these Pokemon will look like.
Shiny Falinks will no longer have their distinct yellow-gold shell as it will be replaced by a brown shell. Additionally, its red horns are also changing to gold.
For Shiny Zacian, its blue and pink original colors will change to a lighter shade of blue on its body, and the pink shades are set to be dark blue.
Pokemon GO Remains a Popular AR Game
In its eight years of availability on mobile gaming platforms, Pokemon GO was once thought to be a phase, but it has proven to be one of the most popular titles available to fans seeking out real-world adventures. To date, there are still a lot of new experiences available on the renowned AR game with massive events and content updates made available to its user base.
The team at Niantic Labs and The Pokemon Company have also spiced things up in their recent updates, particularly in bringing back fan-favorite events from the past seasons. Earlier this year, it reintroduced the iconic Bug Out event, which brought an abundance of Bug-type Pokemon up for grabs in the wild, as well as seeing various shinies appear in raids.
Additionally, the AR title has already delivered all the generations of Pokemon in the game, and so far it has nine with Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Paldea region.