TikTok filters are the hottest trend to boost views and engagement on the platform right now. It comes as no surprise that the feature will be used to spread advocacies to other social media users and even raise funds.

Here are just some of the active "for a cause" filters people can support by just watching, sharing with others, and even using to donate directly to the struggling communities they represent:
Palestine Flag Filter
One of the numerous "for a cause" filters that have surfaced with the rise of pro-Palestine activism on TikTok, the Palestine Flag filter helps struggling Palestinian families that are still stuck in Gaza receive the necessary needs to survive.
More than a fund-raising campaign, the filter also helps keep discussions about the Palestinian plight as the region enters its eight months of continuous attack from Israel.
@mzfl Write you suggestions below on where do you want me to make the donation ️ filter for good #tiktokgaming #iq #tiktokgames ♬ HIND'S HALL - Macklemore
Also Read : Are Online Protests Still Effective Today?
Haiti Awareness Filter
Similar to the pro-Palestinian cause, many users on the platform have also started advocating awareness and support for freeing Haiti amid increasing political unrest in the country.
@theartistmedia Please learn more about my country! So many informative videos on the way ️️️ Filter: @Jourdan Johnson Donating to: @P4H Global #fyp #haiti #haitianflagday # ♬ WITH EVERYTHING - YANAtheartist
Unlike most of the Palestine TikTok filters active today, the Haiti Awareness filters have more freedom to discuss the people and its culture without being harassed online, allowing people to freely discuss the topic directly and promote it on other people's "For You" pages.
Filter for Sudan
Calls to end the civil war in Sudan have increased over the past year as international organizations called out against the foreign actors' intervention in the conflict and the release of the remaining trapped families in the war-torn country.
Many content creators, many of which started delving into political campaigns on their accounts last October, have since also started bringing more information towards a peaceful resolution in Sudan.
@abbeyhafez we all have it within us to make a difference in this world. What will you do? #sudan #freesudan #filterforgood ♬ original sound - Wsh on rit ensemble
Free Congo Filter
Sudan is not the only country currently embroiled in a civil war. In fact, many countries in Southeast Africa are facing decades-old political conflicts amid militant groups and foreign actors enflaming the tension.
From the creators of the Palestine flag and watermelon filters, a new "Free Congo" fundraising campaign has grown over the past months to help end the conflict in the country and support affected families through donations and other necessities.
@bramblewolf09 #filters #freecongo ♬ original sound - Zee Loves U